Sunday, March 23, 2014

Losing Weight, the lazy way.

If you know me, you know that I hate working out. I like to eat, I have a strong romantic relationship with food, and I despise breaking into a sweat for any reason.

I suppose there comes a time in our lives where we have to make a change. That could mean many things, of course. I could take up crocheting because I hate the cost of scarves, ya know? But that is not the case. I have decided that momma needs to lose a couple pounds.

This is for many reasons, I suppose health could be included, but really I want to lose weight for selfish reasons. I'm sick of having to take pictures from the Myspace Angle to make my face look smaller, I'm sick of having to wear a girdle in the summer time because my belly roll is not cooperating with that particular dress, it's just the struggle of everyday living!

So today, as I went out on the town with my boyfriend, I looked around for some healthy things to incorporate in my daily living. Things that wouldn't take away time from my already busy life. I bought a stability ball from target for only 5 dollars! I actually bought 3, so there is no excuse for me not to use them. I have set one in front of my computer desk, the other I plan to sit into my living room, and the third is at my boyfriends house (taking up his man space).

I then went to Ross and bought a 6.99 bottle of colon cleanse and a 6.99 Slim Away belt (which I will do a review on both). Oh, and did I mention that I bought a jump rope for 2.99? Yeah, we shall see if that gets any use.

On a side note, and probably too much information for some of you....My boyfriend is 6'3 and 330 pounds, in contrast to my 5'2 and 200 pounds. We have decided that we are in this together, so we both will be doing the colon cleanse. It is a month supply, so the key here is seeing who will win at the end. I believe that because he is taller and bigger that he will lose more fat, but hey a competition is a competition.

So stay tuned, tomorrow is the first day of the cleanse, and Slim Away update!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

4 Year Anniversary, what to do?!

My four year anniversary is coming up in less than 5 days to my darling boyfriend, and I have absolutely no idea what to do. I guess you can say that when it comes to whose romantic, I am at the bottom of the totem pole. I think in our entire 4 years of dating, I've given him a gift one time, and that was our first Christmas together.

Let me give you some background.

I met him through a friend of a friend on a social networking site. I commented on a post, and he decided to send me a message. Nothing romantic started off right away, we got to know each other as friends. Sitting at home one night, my computer went ping! There was an IM from him, asking if I wanted to get something to eat. I tried to get out of it, coming up with every excuse that I could think of. Well, apparently I suck at lying because I ended up going with him to some cheap Mexican place across the street from my apartment complex. I'm not even sure if it was a date, but that date is the day that we first met and the day that he became my significant other. March 9, 2010.

So back to present.

I have no idea what to give as a gift. I suck at gift giving. I hate buying gifts. I dislike it with a passion, no matter the occassion. I also am entirely to cheap for my own good. It does not help that I am currently unemployed and too broke to even be considering gift buying.

So, ideas? I'm thinking an aluminum foil hat. It's the thought that counts, right?
Or maybe I should be sentimental and write a love letter, a legit love letter. Maybe Google can assist.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Introducing Moi.

Names Kendra, how's it going?

Let's get a couple of things out in the open.

  • I don't have 20K followers on Twitter or Instagram. 
  • I am not a Youtube powerhouse with over 60,000 subscribers talking about eyebrows or how my face is beat to death with a foundation brush. 
  • I do not make thousands of dollars (or any money for that matter) by doing product reviews.

I'm not a writer, that is pretty clear. But I am here, writing a blog.
I guess you can say that this blog started as a last resort. A last resort to keep my sanity.

[cue the tiny violin here]

I always saw myself as a creative person. I always saw myself as teaching little kids art history in some small rural elementary school. Children looking up to me with their big and innocent eyes, yearning to learn of some painter in Italy, or some sculpture in France. Well, let us just say that I am not even close to that profession. Kids are evil, or so I've taught myself to believe.

I enjoy the little things in life, the material things in life, and the spiritual things in life. I would like to talk about positive things going on around me and my hopes for the future.

I don't want to bore you with my life story, so I'll try to keep this short. I guess you could say that I am using this blog to let out my frustrations. And boy, do I have many. So, sit back and relax, and read to your hearts content.

We will laugh together, probably cry together, and I hope learn from each other. XOXO